
Hi, I'm Kamil 👋

Since 2009, founder and CEO of TimeCamp. We make time tracking SaaS software, serving over 4000 customers all around the world. I'm also a father, programmer, entrepreneur, and lifelong learner. I'm fascinated with the usable psychology of self-improvement, business, philosophy, meditation 🧘🏻, good and meaningful life, decision-making and what future will bring. Introvert (INTJ). Strive to be a minimalist.

This is my third attempt at blogging, this time using Obsidian. By default, I'll share on this website the majority of what I write for myself, unless it inherently involves personal content. Why not, let's see where it will go. Let personal websites never die. Build using Obsidian Digital Garden.

Have questions or just want to say hello? You are welcome to email me kamil.rudnicki(at)gmail.com or sign up to my email newsletter 📧



Random writing

